Monday, April 22, 2013

Nearly 10 weeks post-op

It's been almost 10 weeks since the operation, and I am almost pain-free! My ankle aches after a long day and still swells to cankle-like proportions if I've walked more than 7 km or done too much standing up. However, it's just so much better than I could have imagined 3 weeks ago!
My leg is gaining strength and is almost back to its sturdy self. According to my pedometer I manage about 5 km a day on average, so although I'm far from back to my normal day's activity, it's not too shabby at all.
The only things are can't do are yoga and walking on sand. I'm missing both of these activities A LOT, but must be patient. After the 6 week post-op check, I'm hoping to be able to go back to my yoga practice. This has been my longest break from yoga ever since I started 14 years ago. Even after having my children I only took a week off!
I've been doing some very simple poses and breathing exercises to keep things ticking along, but the very limited range of movement in my ankle and foot makes my usual advanced practice look like a very long way off.... I can wait, but I really miss inversions and balances.....

Pilates is good, but it doesn't bring me the clarity and calm that yoga does.
I'm sure I can wait another couple of weeks.
I'm also longing to do a really long beach walk....


livlovelaugh said...

Wow! I hope you feel better soon! I can't believe you walk so much post-surgery! I barely walk that much now!


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