Last night I fell over. I've nearly fallen over loads of times since the operation, but have always managed to prevent myself.
The incident was mainly my own fault, but also due to general hysteria about a HUGE spider in the kitchen.
We live in an old Federation (Edwardian) terrace in the inner city of Sydney. It's not very renovated and there are a lot of holes in the walls. Local fauna are a constant feature, including Huntsmen spiders.
I don't mind spiders, really, as long as they're not actually on me. Huntsmen aren't lethal; in fact they are good to have around as they eat mosquitoes!
Anyway, last night at around 9:30pm, J spotted a truly massive one in the kitchen. M (oldest child) went to see it and I hobbled in on my crutches too.
J decided to take a photo of it, but wanted to get a pic of it next to something to show its true size. He picked up an espresso cup to put next to it, and of course the spider jumped off the wall towards him.
M screamed and backed towards me. I forgot I was on crutches and jumped backwards, falling straight over and landing on my sacrum on our hard wooden floor.
There's no real damage done, but I'm very bruised and can't lean back without being in pain. I took some Endone to get to sleep and am still in quite a bit of discomfort today. My right buttock is also very sore.... I'm also really mortified to be so decrepit, stupid and vulnerable. It's bad enough being unable to walk, but now I'm also unable to sit and lay down comfortably. Fuck I am so sick of it.
However, in the spirit of being positive and not too self-pitying, I'm looking ahead to the weekend and following that, my last few days on crutches.
Joe never did get a pic of last night's arachnid guest, so here's a visual from
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