Yesterday was a bit of a down day. My ankle hurt a lot and I'm trying not to reach for the morphine too frequently. I've only got a couple left, so I'm only allowing myself to take them at night.
Today is a bit better. The effort of showering is still huge, it's such a major faff taping the leg into a plastic bag, arranging the chair in the shower etc etc etc.
If nothing else, this period of being disabled is giving me some idea of how challenging it must be to live with a permanent disability. I really need someone around to help most of the time.
I've also been pondering what to do on my upcoming birthday. Usually I'd go out for dinner with a group of friends, but the thought of trying to find a place that can accommodate my needs is daunting. The crutches necessitate a certain amount of space, few steps and a loo big enough to manoeuvre with crutches. I'm sure many places exist which fulfil these criteria, but buggered if I know any of them!
A compromise might be to host a dinner here, but get everyone to bring a dish. I'd prefer to go out, though, as I've been stuck inside since last Thursday.
I'm getting quite excited about my trip to the hospital on Friday. It will be good to put on some proper clothes and see the outside world.....
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